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Version: 0.7

Using Misti with Blueprint

Blueprint is a platform to compile, test, and deploy contracts on the TON blockchain. It is quite similar to Hardhat and Truffle for Ethereum.

There is a blueprint-misti plugin that can be added to a Blueprint configuration. It adds the blueprint misti command, which runs the static analyzer over the selected Blueprint project.

This page describes how to use it.

Getting Started

  1. Install Soufflé to use all detectors provided by Misti.

  2. Add this plugin as a dependency of your Blueprint project:

yarn add @nowarp/blueprint-misti
  1. Add this configuration to blueprint.config.ts:
import { MistiPlugin } from '@nowarp/blueprint-misti';
export const config = {
plugins: [
new MistiPlugin(),


Run the following command:

yarn blueprint misti

It will run the analysis of the available project, if there is one, or show an interactive window to select a project:


You could also pass the supported CLI options for Misti, for example:

yarn blueprint misti --all-detectors

Or you can even pass the path to the contract directly:

yarn blueprint misti path/to/my/contract.tact

If you have any problems, feel free to reach out to us in the Misti discussion group.