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Version: 0.7

Getting started

System Dependencies​

Before you begin, ensure you have the following software installed on your system:

  • Node.js version 22 or higher
  • (optional) Soufflé – enables more built-in detectors


npm install -g @nowarp/misti
🚧 Using Development Version

The latest development version may be unstable, yet it includes all the recently added detectors and therefore can provide a more comprehensive analysis.

To install the latest development version you should:

  1. Clone Misti: git clone
  2. Build it: cd misti && yarn install && yarn gen && yarn build
  3. Use it in your Tact project: cd /path/to/tact/project && yarn add file:/path/to/misti

Running the analysis​

Run Misti by specifying a Tact contract, project config, or directory to check:

misti path/to/src/contracts
misti contract.tact
misti tact.config.json

This will highlight any warnings the analyzer found.

You can also add a script to your package.json to simplify running the linting process:

"scripts": {
"lint": "misti path/to/contract"

Common Usage Scenarios​

Below are a few usage examples for common scenarios when using the misti CLI.

Suppressing Warnings​

If you want to suppress some warnings in specific places of source code, you should use the @misti:suppress annotations in the comment on the previous line, for example:

fun test(): Int {
// @misti:suppress NeverAccessedVariables
let sum: Int = 0; // OK: The warning will be suppressed
return 52;

This syntax also enables you to list a few detectors to be suppressed, including the custom ones, for example:

// @misti:suppress NeverAccessedVariables,MyCustomDetector,ReadOnlyVariables

Alternatively, you could run misti while entirely suppressing specific detectors:

misti --suppress ReadOnlyVariables path/to/tact.config.json

Filtering by Severity​

You could filter out low-severity warnings to provide a quick analysis of only the critical warnings:

misti --min-severity medium path/to/tact.config.json

It is recommended to set the minimum severity level to at least medium, or you could choose high.

Enabling All Detectors​

Running misti with all available built-in detectors enabled:

misti --all-detectors path/to/tact.config.json

It enables more detectors to find subtle bugs and optimization issues. It is recommended to use this only when auditing the project; otherwise, it might be too noisy.

Running in Quiet Mode​

To suppress all output while running misti getting just a return code:

misti --quiet path/to/tact.config.json

This might be useful in scripts and CI/CD.


If you encounter any issues during the installation process, feel free to create an issue or ask in the Misti Telegram group.