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Using Misti with Blueprint

Blueprint is a development environment for writing, testing, and deploying TON smart contracts.

Misti can be used in Blueprint projects by leveraging the blueprint-misti plugin.

Getting started

Add the plugin and the recent version of Tact to the package.json of your Blueprint project by running:

yarn add tact
yarn add @nowarp/blueprint-misti

Then, add this configuration to blueprint.config.ts:

import { MistiPlugin } from '@nowarp/blueprint-misti';
export const config = {
plugins: [
new MistiPlugin(),

Now, try to run Misti:

yarn blueprint misti ./path/to/tact.config.json


For more information, please refer to the README of the blueprint-misti project. If you have any problems, feel free to reach out to us in the Misti discussion group.