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Version: 0.2.0


This guide provides an example of the JSON configuration file for Misti, detailing the possible options you can set.

Configuration Options

  • detectors: List of detectors to run. Each detector can be specified with a className and optionally a modulePath if it’s a custom detector.

    • className (string, required): The class name of the detector.
    • modulePath (string, optional): The file path of the detector module.
  • ignored_projects (array of strings, optional): List of Tact projects to ignore during analysis.

  • soufflePath (string, optional): Directory to save generated Soufflé files which is helpful for debugging purposes. If not set, a temporary directory will be used.

  • tactStdlibPath (string, optional): Path to Tact standard library. If not set, the default stdlib from the actual Tact setup will be used.

  • unusedPrefix (string, default: "_"): Identifiers starting with this prefix won't be reported as unused by built-in detectors.

  • verbosity (string, optional): Verbosity level of the logs. Possible values are quiet, debug, and default.

Running Misti with Configuration

To run Misti with the specified configuration file, use the following command:

npx misti --config path/to/mistiConfig.json test/projects/simple/tactConfig.json

This command tells Misti to use the provided configuration file to analyze the specified Tact project configuration.

Default Configuration File

By default, Misti enables all built-in detectors. Below is an example of the default configuration file:

"detectorsEnabled": [
{ "className": "DivideBeforeMultiply" },
{ "className": "ReadOnlyVariables" },
{ "className": "NeverAccessedVariables" },
{ "className": "UnboundLoops" },
{ "className": "ZeroAddress" },
{ "className": "BranchDuplicate" },
{ "className": "FieldDoubleInit" },
{ "className": "PreferAugmentedAssign" }
"ignoredProjects": [],
"unusedPrefix": "_",
"verbosity": "default"

All the built-in detectors are enabled by default. You can find the complete configuration schema and default configuration file on GitHub: configSchema.json.

You can always dump the Misti configuration file in use by passing the --dump-config option in the CLI:

npx misti --dump-config test/projects/simple/tactConfig.json

If there is no Misti config in the simple directory, Misti dumps the default config. This can be used to adjust it, e.g., adding or suppressing some detectors.

Getting Help

If you need assistance or encounter any issues, please create an issue on GitHub at nowarp/misti or ask in the Misti Telegram group.