Interface JoinSemilattice<T>

Interface for a join semilattice that introduces the join operation.

interface JoinSemilattice<T> {
    bottom(): T;
    join(a: T, b: T): T;
    leq(a: T, b: T): boolean;

Type Parameters

  • T

    The type of elements in the semilattice.

Hierarchy (view full)

Implemented by



  • Joins two elements of the semilattice, returning the least upper bound (lub) of the two elements.


    • a: T

      First element to join.

    • b: T

      Second element to join.

    Returns T

    The joined value, representing the combination of a and b.

  • Determines if one element in the semilattice is less than or equal to another element. This is crucial for determining if the analysis has reached a fixpoint.


    • a: T

      The element to be compared.

    • b: T

      The element to compare against.

    Returns boolean

    true if a is less than or equal to b, otherwise false.