Constructs a AstStore with mappings to all major AST components accessible by their unique AST identifiers.
Identifiers of AST elements defined in stdlib.
Items defined within contracts and traits.
Identifiers of AST elements defined on the top-level of each file.
Unique names for each function definition.
Functions and methods including user-defined and special methods.
Constants defined across the compilation unit.
Contracts defined within the project.
Functions defined natively (not in user's source code).
Tact asm functions.
Primitive types defined in the project.
Structs defined in the project.
Messages defined in the project.
Traits defined in the project.
All executable statements within all functions of the project.
Returns all the constants defined within the program, including top-level constants and contract constants.
Additional parameters:
Retrieves a function or method by its ID.
The unique identifier of the function or method.
The function or method if found, otherwise undefined.
Returns all the functions and methods defined within the program.
Returns all the items defined within the program.
The collection of items (functions or constants).
Additional parameters:
An iterator for the items.
Retrieves items of specified kinds defined within a given file.
An array of kinds to filter the items.
Additional parameters:
An array of matching AstNode items.
Retrieves return types from the callable methods defined in the given contract/trait.
AST identifier of the contract or trait to analyze.
Include methods from directly or indirectly inherited traits.
Retrieves the IDs of methods for a specified contract which have one of the following types: AstFunctionDef, AstReceiver, AstContractInit.
The ID of the contract.
An array of method IDs or undefined if no contract is found.
Returns top-level program entries in order as they defined in each file.
Retrieves return types from the callable functions available within CompilationUnit.
Provides access to AST elements using their unique IDs.
The generated AST entries includes all the dependent elements, including imported code which is included in the project AST in C/C++ style.